Not getting the NBN

My last blog post was preparing for the NBN. To recap, NBN is short for the National Broadband Network which is the name for the broadband network that exists in Australia. The NBN is a wholesaler providing the infrastructures which exists in a lot of homes in Australia. To get an NBN order, you must ring a telecommunications company providing the NBN technology for an order. For several years, I have been a customer of the Optus cable technology. Before the NBN was ready, I had high hopes with the availability of this technology in the inner-west suburbs of Sydney which is the area of my residence. Not long after my last blog post, the NBN was ready around my residence. I got letters from telecommunications companies where I am not a customer. Not long after it was Optus. Their letter had a disconnection date with the current technology as early as September 2017. If not making an NBN order by that date. For personal reasons, I was not ready to make an NBN order considering trying to make for September but given June or July connection dates which were not to all right for me. I made two orders for Optus NBN but cancelled them both for personal reasons. I decided not to make another order for the NBN with Optus or other companies because I was very dissatisfied big time with customer service of a very low standard.

I did manage to buy a 4G wireless broadband product with a subsidiary brand of a big telecommunications business & got connected with no hassle after going to an electrical business to buy a modem. The current strange scenario is I have a 4G wireless broadband account with this other telecommunications business & as well, still have an Optus home account with their technology. The disconnection date of the Optus letter never happened & the date of disconnection is not till the end of 2018 according to the NBN. It is a shame that I have spent hundreds of dollars no thanks to Optus that I could have saved. I could have connected with the 4G wireless broadband with the telecommunications business I recently signed up with later for my liking. If I want to proceed with future disconnection, I must ring Optus personally to switch it off. Not at all using this so called old equipment for free either. I am totally not all interested in getting the NBN now. Sticking with this 4G wireless broadband product that I have signed up with for quite a while.

CEBIT 2012

English: Sydney Convention Centre at Darling H...
English: Sydney Convention Centre at Darling Harbour (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sydney, Australia was where CEBIT 2012 from May 22-24. The Convention & Exhibition Centre in Darling Harbour was where the action is. Anything related to IT for sale to industry people was the intention. Organisations from across the universe selling their wares. The latest laptops, cloud servers, using social media, IT trends, PC software, smartphone apps & IT systems just to give you an idea of some topics with information provided in this expo. I did some research on courses related to IT. I asked a couple of places but were for more training for existing IT employees. I am planning to study from scratch. A shame that TAFE NSW did not have a stand. I know that Sydney University & University of Technology, Sydney had a presence there. I am not keen to go to an university. I did spend a couple of hours watching what was offered at the time I was there. I did have a good time going to quite a few Sydney CEBIT’s.

A new blog

Darling harbour sydney showing harbourside
Darling harbour sydney showing harbourside (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Petesmusic’s Blog will continue as usual. I have started a new blog called “The Indie Aspie” which is coming soon. The address is

The next post on Petesmusic’s Blog is about CEBIT 2012 which is on May 22-24 at Sydney’s Darling Harbour in Australia’s largest city.

Till then, bye for now.

Correction it isĀ

Sorry for the mistake there.

The adventures of a new laptop

I have now joined the club of users who decided to use a laptop. Previously was a desktop user. The many cords, adapter & plugs all tangled like a spaghetti junction. So many speakers that would have being a good use if I was a dedicated gamer. The seperation of the keyboard, mouse & monitor with the tower of many electrical slots. It is that I wasn’t given an honourary IT certificate keeping track of these connections. The internet was provided initially by my internet service provider. I had two services by an IT repair firm fixing the faults of the desktop. Last week, I started using my laptop. I have a wireless connection with a router. I can bring the laptop away from my computer desk. I have a new printer with a wireless connection. I am new to this. I have a lot to learn here. It is a PC. It is in the mid-range. I have found using Windows 7 a breeze to use to date. It is my first week using the equipment I have now. I do have two speakers that work very well. The purchase was made at an Australian electrical chain with installation by the same chain. Quite unusual for the home user. This is my first blog on this new laptop. I do hope it is the first of many.